How did you get on?


Mar 19, 2018
Reaction score
Solo session at Barlow Lakes today. Lad supposed to accompany me and pulled out at minute.
Nevermind, I'm big lad so off I went.
Couldn't get on any of the ponds I wanted or they were packed with young kids so I had to settle on the second pond and set to it.
Straight onto the cage feeder with some strips of dendra as bait and just annoying nibbles. last week on the first pond this hooked 3 decent carp and would have got more if we hadn't shifted ponds (lad couldn't buy a bite :eek:mg:)

changed over to the method and landed a few bits, a nice golden rudd to about 2lb, couple of skimmers, nice roach and a gudgeon hooked through the head!
changed again to pellet feeder and nothing much was happening. the swim I really wanted to cast to was occupied so I had to make do.
everyone regardless of pond was having a quiet one so come about 3.30pm I called it a day. 5 fish all together, 2 cups of tea, not too shabby.

onwards and upwards for Sunday!


Had a great couple of hours on the river today, met a few 11 year old boys who were trying to catch fish in a bucket so I taught them how to fish and about proper fish care then called one of their parents and instructed them to get a licence for all of the boys. Also gave them a disgorger, some hooks, floats ect before running away to a quiet spot. was a really great session which finished up with 10 - 15 chub to a pound and a half.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
Back on the river Colne today, started fishing around 8am.
Yesterdays rain had made a slight difference to the flow but it was still fairly clear.


13' rod and stickfloat trotting maggots down the middle caught me dace, perch, roach, chublets and gudgeon. I mixed a kilo of dark roach gb fairly dry so it turned to cloud as it hit the water, feeding plum sized balls every other run through got the roach going until the perch turned up. A jack pike was hanging around all day and I hooked it once as it tried to hijack my swim? By 3:30 the sun got on the water and killed it but what a fab day's fishing. I guesstimate I had 12lb all told.



Match there on Sunday, I'd love to draw that peg but Sod's law will probably intervene....



Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
I wasn't going fishing today due to other commitments but I did manage to make tracks to the river later in the afternoon. The river was up about a foot and a half and the colour of tea. I decided to touch leger and I sat on a boulder in the middle of the river.....I kept thinkin', I hope I don't get piles 'cos of this LOL.
I got several fast tugs on the rod tip and I wound in straight away after each one knowing it was chub and they would have nicked the pellet off me hair.....and they had, sneaky them chub.
I only managed one chub of about 5lb and then the wind got even stronger and the rain started. After only about 10 mins I was soaked so even though I hadn't been there long it was my cue to hoof off, which I did lol.
Considerring it had only been 2hrs since i'd drove up the track to the club carpark the combination of being in the river sat on a cold stone, getting soaked by the rain and the drop off in temp's had made surprisingly cold and hungry! Only yesterday it was over 20 degrees and today it was 14, no wonder people get illnesses over here!

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Reaction score
Just back from 2 nights carping/camping. Just chilling out on an almost deserted pit. I only had two. A 16 at night-no photo and this stunning common at 10. So thats Binka impressed. Now to impress S Kippy as I had 6 bream all at 5lb like peas in a pod.
The stars at night with no light pollution were stunning and I had a stoat walk across in front of me. It paused, looked me up and down then carried on with its hunting.

As PC shows his pegs I thought I might too.

View attachment 5408

View attachment 5409

PS The spike is not for kebabing the carp. It was very windy and I needed to stop the unhooking mat from wandering off.
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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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I have never known a Pike to deliberately bite an angler, imo most if not all cuts that result from unhooking them are caused by angler the catching his hands/fingers on the teeth during the unhooking process.

Actually, I witnessed a pike bite the fingers of an angler on my club water. Not quite a JAWS thing but .... The said angler swished his hand in the water after mixing groundbait. The pike will often lay close in waiting for the fish to be returned after a match. I presume his swishing fingers looked like a fish in trouble at the surface and bingo, he ended up in casualty with numerous stitches to his fingers.
We always warn new members not to rinse hands in the water now.

Pete Shears

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
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Another early trip to the reservoir this morning resulted in four bream between 2lb & 4lb but no tench.
Between bites I was watching five white egrets squabbling over ten yards of bank on about 40+ acres of water,numerous very noisy canada geese with grey lags mixed in.Not a lot of activity from anything this morning,no fish rolling,very few perch striking the fry in the weedbeds and no pike chasing my feeders.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
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south yorkshire
I had a pretty hard day of things yesterday but right at the death I managed a personal best Tench!!

Never ever seen one as small in my entire life!!!
It's often said that tiny Tench are about the rarest of fish to find that are so small.


Exiled Northerner
Sep 22, 2017
Reaction score
Oxford, and occasionally Warrington Lancs
I took my Grandson to Ackers Pit in Warrington for a few hours today, On getting the tackle ready to take with us I realized I could not find my floats, they are in a section of twin wall polycarbonate conservatory roofing, I was fishing float rod, grandson wanted to fish the pole and then change to his float rod, So off to the tackle shop for some maggots and a handful of floats, We got there set up a couple of topkits on his Yank n Bank pole, size 4 elastic in one kit and size 8 in the other, 4x14 wire stem float on 0.12 to 0.10 and a size 20 hook on the 4's elastic and again 4x14 but carbon stemmed float on 0.14 to 0.12 and size 20 qm1 hook on the 8's elastic, I took with me an old daiwa 12' super sensor rod teames up with and old shimano aero 4000 perfection reel, 2.5lb to 1.5 hooklength a brand new 2gram + 2xnumber4 Drennan float and size 20 tubertini 808 hook.
Off we went, Grandson fishing at 7 metres in 3' of water, me casting out 25 metres into same depth, We were both catching roach ranging from blades to around 10 oz and a few perch around 8oz which I think were attracted to the pin sized fish that were trying to rob the maggots, Towards the end I ditched the rod and picked up the spare top 4 kit and started using that. If we fished on the drop we got plagued with bits and the strike ratio was 1 in 8, so it was bulk shot and a dropper to get the bait down, the better fish were just outside the baited area, We both ended up with a decent catch, I took him there because his previous 2 outings I took him on were on commercials and he had some good margin carp as well as silvers, The commercial were Lloyds Meadow Badger Pool and Dunham Fishery Copper Beech, Both of which I have fished with Mikench and Wetthrough. If we go again tomorrow it will be on the Bridgewater Canal.On returning home and putting the tackle away and tidying my tackle shed up I found my floats in my covered bait tray, If I had unzipped it for bait box I would have found them, I now have floats in all 3 seatboxes along with a tray of pole rigs so I don't have to worry about not having any, :eek:mg:
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Just doing my periodical catch up, I’m way behind on this thread so I have plenty of reports to trawl back on and I’m looking forward to reading them all.

A couple of sessions spring to mind for me, the first being a couple of weeks ago on a local country park lake known as Vicar Water where I shared another very pleasant day in the sunshine with nottskev, catching all sorts from pasty Common and Mirror Carp to Ruffe with lots of eager skimmers and Perch obliging on float fished worm along with a few small Roach.

I got thugged out on a light bottom by this unlikely looking candidate for lake monster, we put it at around 7lbs – 8lbs but it just wouldn’t quit and led me a merry dance for the thick end of twenty minutes…

I then paid another visit to my local club water yesterday, it’s been a bit off form by all accounts so a few bites were basically the target.

I started off on a small homemade waggler taking 2 x no.1 lockers and three no.8 droppers, this in turn was attached to 6lb main and 4.4lb flouro bottom and a size 10 spade end barbless for a large worm hookbait but despite taking a string of early Perch it was just too heavy a set up for the many really slight knocks I was getting.

I decided to re-rig with a small homemade dibber taking 3 x no.8 and swapped the hooklink for a a 2.2lb flouro, I felt a little uncomfortable about this as the initial hooklink built in some insurance for the Carp which abound although nothing like at epidemic proportions and I scaled down to a size 14 hook to take a nip end of worm...

Nicely re-plumbed at the end of the long rod and in the cover of an overhanging bush I found around four feet of water and a good helping of finely chopped worm and dead maggot went in…

It took a fair while and a good bit of working at the feed but it did eventually come good with the Roach that I was hoping for and I got into a couple going on 10oz – 12oz with the vast majority being a nice stamp of fish in the 6oz – 8oz class such as this one…

free pic upload site

All in all I reckon I had a good thirty five to forty of these along with a couple of Roach/Bream hybrids of around a pound, having took a decent fish on the drop I came up in the water to nail a few more before following them back down to the deck again.

My testing came in the form of one of the prettiest Mirror Carp I’ve ever had the good fortune to catch and which again proved a bit of an endurance battle on the light bottom, a very thick set fish across the back which I've little doubt would be creeping into double figures…

Along with a Tench of around 3lbs and forty or so small Perch to around 6oz I felt like I’d had a hard earned but good and very rewarding day :w


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
A Binka post is becoming a rare treat in here, a Binka post with not one but two carp photos is even rarer.:)


A Binka post is becoming a rare treat in here, a Binka post with not one but two carp photos is even rarer.:)

Lol... Cheers John :)

I struggle to find the time these days, I keep meaning to do a good 'catch up' on the posts but something always seems to crop up, I jammed in that post in between coats of stain on a float box which will be soon be housing the collection I've been working on for the last ten weeks or so :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
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Stuck on the chuffin M25 somewhere between Heathro
I had a pretty hard day of things yesterday but right at the death I managed a personal best Tench!!

Never ever seen one as small in my entire life!!!
It's often said that tiny Tench are about the rarest of fish to find that are so small.

Brilliant ! I've had some little uns in me time ( finger sized) but nothing remoteley approaching that size. Why is it that tiny tench are so rarely caught I wonder because it was ever thus ?


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2018
Reaction score
South West Wilts
I had a pretty hard day of things yesterday but right at the death I managed a personal best Tench!!

Never ever seen one as small in my entire life!!!
It's often said that tiny Tench are about the rarest of fish to find that are so small.

Have you seen the size of that rudder on the back? Jeez he is going to be a handful when he gets older....