8ft quiver, 6lb braid to 5lb fluoro. Size 4, 3g round bend jighead with a lob or half a huge lob, tiny section of elastic band to keep the bait from sliding down. Not the most elegant setup but it works and also it's something you can cast out and let the kids fish with. The lack of stretch in the line makes it almost a bolt rig, although my youngest prefers now to hold the rod and strike the bites.
16:50 First swim, the Cliff, and i get a fish straight away:
View attachment 5401
17:05 Swim next door is the drain, i let my assistant have a go at hitting the bites:
View attachment 5402
Failed to connect in the next swim, so we moved on up to the parrotcage swim. Again, i cast and she watched for bites. 17:21
View attachment 5403
17:36 A lovely thing about this method is that you can jig the worm back in, hopefully for the odd bonus perch. I tried this on the last cast of the session, this time a tiny jack went for it
View attachment 5404
And home within the hour!