I Hadn’t been on a proper river trip since Autumn so headed out yesterday and it sure looked a lot different to last time, the old girl was not so much high but over the banks in places and raging through as if she was sticking two fingers up to those who drain her flow the rest of the year, all the platforms were underwater too so I headed to my favourite floodwater spot and fished from the path. I hadn’t seen the river this high for many a moon.
I love it when rivers are like this as you can catch fish in the strangest of places and my swim is no exception as it is often overlooked in summer as it doesn’t hold much but in these conditions there is safe haven in the slack water it offers, even so that looked a bit high and coloured this time and I was biteless for the first hour.
Often when it’s like this it is a case of finding the fish to I was more than happy to avoid a blank courtesy of a nice 10oz roach, more followed and they were all the same size in exactly the same spot where the back eddy met the main flow. Every now and then a small window of slackish water appeared as if by magic amongst the boils and during these were the only times bites occured , after a dozen identical roach I had the first chub, only 3lb but it went like stink in the fast water. I was using a heavier float than normal but the bites hardly dipped the float, I think due to the different water speeds at different levels, I suspect they were taking the bait as usual.
The flow had picked up in the afternoon and the river had risen another few inches so the only way to hold station was to cast upstream and flick the line over a piece of rush, the wind helped a lot with this as my new line sailed in the breeze before settling in the perfect spot each time, this held the float steady before I could release it into the slower boil when it came. It worked a treat as more roach came, once again all the same size but I was happy catching these and the sun was now out.
I was soon into what I thought was a much bigger chub although it did seem strange the way it wanted to go downstream, it also had a lot of stamina and a big flap of a tail on the surface signalled a carp, I should have known. There’s only so much stick you can give a fish on a size18 although the 3lb 7oz hooklength gave me a fair chance, from then on I used every trick in the book to keep it in the back eddy knowing a trip downstream would be goodbye. I eventually slid the net under a beautiful chunky mirror, probably not even double figures but any river carp caught on float this time of year is always a bonus especially in flood conditions.