I set off this morning very much enthused and inspired by Gtaran's big perch, what a magnificient fish. I got to my usual fishery and to the usual lake and could have had my usual swim but no, I opted for an area of the lake I've never fished before though, as it still had an island in front of me it might be similar. The electric fence was well back here though and presented no problems.
I can't speak for other fisheries but it's, to me anyway, extremely interesting and quite obvious that pellets have "blown" on this water, they did quite a few years back and have never really recovered. Small cubes of meat are King and show no signs of losing their appeal.
As a result, I thought I'd try and see if pellets could do anything today as I haven't tried them in an age.
I started off with the usual Drennan pole and a ready tied Drennan 0.4g Crystal Dibber to a size 12, mainline 8lb to a 6lb trace. The size 12 was hair looped and I attached and anchored an 8mm Robin Red pellet.
The usual attacking mix of a few pellets, red maggot, (vanilla) flavoured corn, hemp and some 4mm cubed Spam were potted in and, shortly after, the pellet pushed out to island's edge.
The yellow tip was perfect against the broken reeds and grass and, equally so, Jimi Hendrix made for great company.
It was twenty minutes before the first customer, the float sank decisively and the most unusual prize was very shortly netted, a bream around 2lbs, a shade over maybe but not the carp I expected but definitely no complaints.
Hemp and a few reds cattied in and ready to go again, it was a bit slower going today. A half hour gap before the second bite which felt a decent, solid resistance and almost certainly ciprinus, until about ten seconds when the pole tip suddenly sprang back, the hook hold lost. Oh well, that's one that got away - stone free, as Hendrix pointed out.
Coffee and a Mars Bar and I cattied in a few grains of corn in but went back out with the pellet. I had a feeling the meat would be more productive but I was enjoying experimenting.
Back out and, again, it was slow but the birdlife made up for things. Quite a few reed warblers and what looked like a Dunnock.
Next bite was normal service resumed with a mirror around a pound and a half. It was the start of a mini purple patch with three more carp following over the next hour, one around 2lbs and the other two nearer 3lbs.
I had to be honest with myself though and the meat was crying out to be tried. I impaled an 8mm cube and went out.....to nothing.
Topping up with another potful of mix, the float slid away in one of those bites that just make your heart sing. Slowly sliding under as it pulled away, I hit it. It didn't deserve to be missed and it wasn't. It was an interesting fight and resulted in a chub a shade over 2lbs. Although there is a decent head of barbel in this lake, the chub are a much rarer gift and I was really quite pleased with this little jewel.
Another pair of small carp quickly followed, nothing startling but most welcome. Somehow, next put, a roach of 3oz or so managed to get its mouth round an 8mm cube, I guessed it must have nibbled before the take but I didn't pick up any indications.
Back out on meat and the next take resulted in a battler of a mirror, circa 4 and a half pounds.
Two skimmers around 12oz each also showed up and after four hours, I packed up to get home to house move paperwork, grateful for a few hours of fresh air, Jimi Hendrix and even a few fish.
I didn't think my day could get much better but I was completely and utterly wrong. After handing in papers in Yeovil, I went and found the local tackle shop, Tackle UK, which I'd heard good things about but nothing could prepare me for the soon to be local treasure trove - the full ranges of Daiwa, Preston and Drennan poles on display and the rod collection? Felt like I'd gone to bed drunk and woken up in Binks' garage - it was the dog's, I mean top drawer.
Er indoors has agreed to a new box but my smuggling skills are going to be tested to the limit. It just has to be done, doesn't it?
Take care all and have a great week