How did you get on?

Aussie Bob

Well-known member
Oct 25, 2008
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Another sultry 30 degree day of this seemingly never ending summer , went for a evening session , fair bit of wind up so decided to have a go with some soft plastics grubs on a weedless rig. Working around the end of the rowing course I started to see the minnows scattering and I was getting knocks just about every cast but couldn't hook up. Eventually managed to get a small 4 inch perch on the grub but couldn't hook up again although just about every cast I was getting hits. Remembered I had about a size 10 hook on my vest I had picked up a couple of days ago so scaled down the rig and chopped off the tail of a grub and used that as the lure. Every cast a shoal of tiny perch would chase the grub tail. Only managed one more even smaller than the first but was really enjoying myself. As soon as the light went they switched off ,no sign of the trout at all.
Had a chat to another angler who was using crickets on a bubble float rig , he had a fair bit of success with them and wanted to show me a picture of his 4 and half pound redfin (perch)..all I can say is that Morespiders patented scales have been got over to was a nice fish maybe 1 1/2lb!! ...He did lose a decent fish at the waters edge so I think might try having a go with the crickets.....perfect night for a mudeye hatch bit annoyed I have to be in work early tomorrow otherwise I might be still out there......


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Three 6 hour sessions on two different still waters, both of which were producing some nice roach last week, not only failed to offer up a fish but also failed to offer up a bite of any sort - unless I missed it !

The reason ? Well as far as I'm concerned the only reason that makes any sense is the accursed wind blowing from the East, ( or the North occasionally, or a mixture of the two ) which has been my downfall in the past, so I probably expected too much....

I fished for a couple of hours with the wind behind to begin with, but lack of interest eventually drove me to a favourite ' banker ' swim with the wind facing. I changed the set up to a Drennan glow tip float that rode the surface ripple well but also failed to disappear for me over the next hours. I made a final move to another swim I'd been dribbling maggots into from time to time but alas, it was also roachless and two hours later I was heading home.

The two other sessions followed the same pattern more or less although I did offer the fish a choice of light groundbaits of differing flavours in different swims in an attempt to produce a least one fish, but it wasn't to be....A 22 with single maggot - a 16 with three, closely followed by other variations and at depths ranging from 1' down to 1' overdepth - nothing stirred them.....

I have now written off this week fishing wise, and decided its a good time to remove a large bush in the garden ( as requested by the wife ) which is what I did today, to be followed by a decent lunch in deepest Oxfordshire tomorrow, also requested by the wife as a sort of celebration of my 73rd birthday next week.....Looking forward to it immensely !

I'm toying with a session on Saturday morning but unless the weather improves from the forecasted ' heavy cloud ' and low temps I shall go walking instead - no point in flogging a dead horse, once its dead !!
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john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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First outing post decorating. Had a go for perch. I had 2 proper ones of 2lb exact and 1 1/4 lb on my freebe worms.This was despite the brightest sunny day for some time and a cold nithering NE wind off the sea.

Plus one rouge carp that thought it was a perch .

The lapwings were singing all day and three 3 roe dear took a look at me through the trees.

A lovely day.


Well-known member
May 20, 2013
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North Yorkshire
Not fishing, but I managed a short walk without a stick today, which did a good job of lifting my spirits. I'm hoping to get a look out next week if the sciatica continues to abate. The last two weeks felt more like two years! Thanks to Markg for the advice - the exercises you suggested have been really helpful with my recovery. :)


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
With the rivers closed I decided to fish one of our club lakes for some early season tench. Now apparently, there are some fair sized fish in residence – they certainly didn’t show today though. Wall to wall sunshine again by the time I arrived (10.30) and spent the first hour looking for signs – nothing showing so out with the rake in a spot that looked inviting. Within about 30 minutes of raking the first tench arrived, followed by another then a snotty – with everything going pear shaped;) and only one another tinca in the next couple of hours it was time to call it a day and spend the last hour (before I packed up at 3.30pm) ‘checking out’ what is a new lake to me.........

I didn't bother photographing the slightly larger females - just the smaller male as he didn't appear to be gravid. Nothing to enter on the tench challenge - still, very early days......


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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down the lane
Jerry...I wonder if the estate lake tench are worth a punt ? (Yes, I've renewed again )

If not then I may have to thrash the roach at the farm pond !

Neil...After my recent blanks I'd have been more than happy with the perch !!! ( Gritted teeth smilie, if one exists ! )

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Not fishing, but I managed a short walk without a stick today, which did a good job of lifting my spirits. I'm hoping to get a look out next week if the sciatica continues to abate. The last two weeks felt more like two years! Thanks to Markg for the advice - the exercises you suggested have been really helpful with my recovery. :)

Glad it helped Rob.
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
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The Nene Valley
Jerry...I wonder if the estate lake tench are worth a punt ? (Yes, I've renewed again )

If not then I may have to thrash the roach at the farm pond !

Neil...After my recent blanks I'd have been more than happy with the perch !!! ( Gritted teeth smilie, if one exists ! )

Tony, bearing in mind that I've not fished SP for two seasons I might now be wide of the mark. Once the weed started thickening about four years ago I used to concentrate on the swims nearest the car park either with a float between the pads or a bubble about 20m out to the edge of weed. Yes, you then had to get them through a pretty narrow gap in the pads .From 20m out, more often than not, the bigger ones would 'bury themselves' in the pads. Unlike carp they would then go 'static' and I would wait with a slack line for sometimes a few minutes until I saw movement' I would then 'mug' them and have them out the pads before they could react and very rarely lost any. It's also worth raking the bottom between the pads.

I wonder if it's more than a coincidence that the weed started getting much more prolific soon after the bore pipe was introduced........

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Metroland. SW Herts
GUC Wendover arm today. Very chilly with a nasty cold NE wind.

Thought the floating rubbish would be a good feature to fish to.:eek:mg:

Plumbed up 2 lines and I was ready before the off for a change.
Started on the punch rig after potting a nugget of liquy. As is so often the case the wind got up and the rafts of rubbish started moving making it impossible to fish the same spot for more than a few minutes...
In short I fished 6 hours with either punch, worm, pinkie or dead maggot.
Not a bite....
Only 2 out of 13 caught anything. The angler to my left had 3 perch for 6lb7oz...
Another had a big skimmer and a perch for 4lb6oz.
A skylark singing it's heart out in the sky above the fields opposite was the the only good thing about the day...


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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GUC Wendover arm today. Very chilly with a nasty cold NE wind.

Thought the floating rubbish would be a good feature to fish to.:eek:mg:

Plumbed up 2 lines and I was ready before the off for a change.
Started on the punch rig after potting a nugget of liquy. As is so often the case the wind got up and the rafts of rubbish started moving making it impossible to fish the same spot for more than a few minutes...
In short I fished 6 hours with either punch, worm, pinkie or dead maggot.
Not a bite....
Only 2 out of 13 caught anything. The angler to my left had 3 perch for 6lb7oz...
Another had a big skimmer and a perch for 4lb6oz.
A skylark singing it's heart out in the sky above the fields opposite was the the only good thing about the day...

And people slag off commercial fisheries,fair play to you Simon,i would not sit there for 6 hours with no prospects of a bite,total waste of time and effort;)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2010
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Good sport with small pike on lures from club lake. Managed six to 5lbs, lost a few more. The pike are only small in this lake but good fun on light tackle.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2015
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With the rivers closed, I thought I'd jump on the train to Bedfordshire and have a go for some silvers at Henlow.

When I arrived there were a couple of guys fishing the car park swims, but I fancied the other side. There was a lovely little swim with some dead rushes on the right and the corner of the lake on the left which the wind was blowing into. I figured there should be some fishes hiding in the rushes or blown up into the corner and boy was I right.


I put a maggot feeder out into the corner and a waggler next to the rushes, alternating between red mag and worm. Caught loads of really nice roach in fine, silvery fettle up to 1lb. Also had a few bream to about 2 lb and a few small carp to about 5lb, which was fun with a size 18 hook to 2lb hook length.




Around 3 o'clock I could see the small roach evading a predator less than a rod length out by the rushes so switched to whole worm tipped with mag and started to feed some chop in the hopes of a big perch. The float didn't budge for a good 20 mins or so and then slid under sideways. I struck into what I thought was a small carp but after carefully guiding it away from the rushes, a huge clonker of a perch showed just bellow the surface. I finally managed to get it in the net after a merry dance and it looked absolutely huge! It was so chunky and broad across the shoulders, I thought it was gonna tip 3lb, but actually just under at 2lb 12oz.


A really cracking day and also made a couple of new friends:
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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
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A short session on each of the last 3 days. Fri at a commie specimen lake fishing a driftbeater whilst the cold north winds blew. Hooked a few bream and some hard fighting hybrids that moved onto a few balls of groundbait put in at the start. A small roach and a fine Rudd of a pound was the only variety until a baby jack pike snatched a large lob at the death.
Curiously my fishing companion sat beside me in the same swim and had nowt. Same bait, same method, same distance yet the fish refused to move 2 metres over. And no I hadn't spiked his bait.
Weekend arrived and I went to club lake to pay my dues for renewal and I picked a spot that gave me a little shelter to fish for a couple of hours too. One tiny perch after the first half-hour wasn't too encouraging. I put in some feed and went for a wander. 3 others were fishing too and their results offered nothing more in the way of hope. Some extra cloud cover did no favours for my hands and feet but did switch on both roach and perch. All small but very welcome. A single better roach, about a pound, was my best fish just as I was tidying ready to go and it made my mind up to try again today. Almost wish I hadn't, but did see some bubbling activity that might just be the crucians stirring so I'll be back again soon enough whatever. Surely this wind has gotta turn soon


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2012
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Where waters meet
Great Perch mate !

I spent the entire weekend standing outside in the cold, for up to 10 hours a day on the door of the Big One.
It was a good laugh with free food,free lures and a few good wanders around the show. :D


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2012
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Southern Somerset
I set off this morning very much enthused and inspired by Gtaran's big perch, what a magnificient fish. I got to my usual fishery and to the usual lake and could have had my usual swim but no, I opted for an area of the lake I've never fished before though, as it still had an island in front of me it might be similar. The electric fence was well back here though and presented no problems.

I can't speak for other fisheries but it's, to me anyway, extremely interesting and quite obvious that pellets have "blown" on this water, they did quite a few years back and have never really recovered. Small cubes of meat are King and show no signs of losing their appeal.

As a result, I thought I'd try and see if pellets could do anything today as I haven't tried them in an age.

I started off with the usual Drennan pole and a ready tied Drennan 0.4g Crystal Dibber to a size 12, mainline 8lb to a 6lb trace. The size 12 was hair looped and I attached and anchored an 8mm Robin Red pellet.

The usual attacking mix of a few pellets, red maggot, (vanilla) flavoured corn, hemp and some 4mm cubed Spam were potted in and, shortly after, the pellet pushed out to island's edge.

The yellow tip was perfect against the broken reeds and grass and, equally so, Jimi Hendrix made for great company.

It was twenty minutes before the first customer, the float sank decisively and the most unusual prize was very shortly netted, a bream around 2lbs, a shade over maybe but not the carp I expected but definitely no complaints.

Hemp and a few reds cattied in and ready to go again, it was a bit slower going today. A half hour gap before the second bite which felt a decent, solid resistance and almost certainly ciprinus, until about ten seconds when the pole tip suddenly sprang back, the hook hold lost. Oh well, that's one that got away - stone free, as Hendrix pointed out.

Coffee and a Mars Bar and I cattied in a few grains of corn in but went back out with the pellet. I had a feeling the meat would be more productive but I was enjoying experimenting.

Back out and, again, it was slow but the birdlife made up for things. Quite a few reed warblers and what looked like a Dunnock.

Next bite was normal service resumed with a mirror around a pound and a half. It was the start of a mini purple patch with three more carp following over the next hour, one around 2lbs and the other two nearer 3lbs.

I had to be honest with myself though and the meat was crying out to be tried. I impaled an 8mm cube and went nothing.

Topping up with another potful of mix, the float slid away in one of those bites that just make your heart sing. Slowly sliding under as it pulled away, I hit it. It didn't deserve to be missed and it wasn't. It was an interesting fight and resulted in a chub a shade over 2lbs. Although there is a decent head of barbel in this lake, the chub are a much rarer gift and I was really quite pleased with this little jewel.

Another pair of small carp quickly followed, nothing startling but most welcome. Somehow, next put, a roach of 3oz or so managed to get its mouth round an 8mm cube, I guessed it must have nibbled before the take but I didn't pick up any indications.

Back out on meat and the next take resulted in a battler of a mirror, circa 4 and a half pounds.

Two skimmers around 12oz each also showed up and after four hours, I packed up to get home to house move paperwork, grateful for a few hours of fresh air, Jimi Hendrix and even a few fish.

I didn't think my day could get much better but I was completely and utterly wrong. After handing in papers in Yeovil, I went and found the local tackle shop, Tackle UK, which I'd heard good things about but nothing could prepare me for the soon to be local treasure trove - the full ranges of Daiwa, Preston and Drennan poles on display and the rod collection? Felt like I'd gone to bed drunk and woken up in Binks' garage - it was the dog's, I mean top drawer.

Er indoors has agreed to a new box but my smuggling skills are going to be tested to the limit. It just has to be done, doesn't it?

Take care all and have a great week :)


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2015
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Tuesday fix of Tunnel Barn today,Club,Canal and Jennies,big turnout,and my drawing arm let me down yet again:(:(Peg 18 on canal pool,possibly the worst draw of all 3 pools,Narrow,only 9m wide,platform right up in the air off the water,complete garbage!
Anyway i was shocked beyond comprehension,when first put in over,the float buried and a 5lb carp was in the bag!!,trouble was none of his mates followed:mad:
I persevered on this line for 2 hours for a couple of F1,s and some skimmers and roach,whilst priming some maggot lines at top 2 in front,to the side and at 6m...the 6m line produced 17 F1,s,and a few skimmers,nothing on the short lines at all:(,Scales gave me 39-14-0,which was more than i expected from the peg,which was only good enough for 3rd on the pool,and a section win,behind Dave(The Champ)Chapman with 67lb,and Barry(Welsh Wizard)Duggan,with 62lb,Overall winner on the Day was Steve(Maggot) Johnson,with 80lb odd from Jennys 27(flyer),Ive got monday,tuesday,and Friday off next week and im gonna fish 3 matches,i,m getting fed up with only going once a week:Dtight lines,Gazza