How did you get on?

no-one in particular

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2008
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Time to have a few more sessions on the float or try some fluff chucking, I might even have a go at stret pegging!

I hear on the grapevine that the ancient art of stret fluffing is being revived or was it fluff pegging. Its a bit like bolt rigging a fly, deadly in its day apparently.
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Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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Cobbled together a last minute session with my fishing mate, the mate that sometimes gets a pass on a Wednesday. It was my turn to travel to his side of the city, so i pulled an old pushbike (belonging to the missus) out of the shed, pumped up the tyres, WD40 everywhere and hoped for the best.

A cycle path took me all the way to the pub, maybe 20 minute journey and i'd forgotten how nice cycling is in the summer. Met mate and had a couple of pints of Adnam's Mosaic, then over the beer garden gate where on the map the river is a minute away. Except someone hadn't told the muddy ditch to obey the map - both of my shoes got a full 'booty'. Hmm.

We make a different route and the river looks deep, clear and lots of messy weed and duckweed, chopped about by paddlers. I took lures, mate took bread and corn. He started floatfishing close in, in a piece of water that to be honest, wasn't doing it for me. He soon caught a rudd on the corn, i messed about with lures getting not a take. Next thing i know he's in, and it's a cracking little 5lb carp that fought like the devil. Only when we'd got it in and his 16 barbless just fell out, did he remember he was on a 2.5lb bottom, blimey.

Got told off by a canoeist who was so livid the veins were drumming on his forehead, pretty funny. Less funny was when my tip caught on the bankside during an awkward cast, smashing my midsection in 2. Favourite rod too, gutted. Like something out of a Rolf Harris song, my friend let me fish for a while with his setup, i did get some solid bites on half a worm and managed to completely fluff them, such was my luck.

By 9 o'clock the pub was looking tempting again, so we called it a day.
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Well I managed it; 4 days fishing in a row! Nothing to write home about with 7 skimmers on the feed, a few roach and carp on the float rod! It was a nice day weather wise cool and a gentle breeze! I tried floater fishing with a controller float but had no bites at all on various floating and oozing pellet jobbies, fake bread and small pop ups! It was fun trying though with my forgotten Middy Micromuscle waggler rod which is nice to use for the larger fish!

Next time out it will be roach fishing using a secret Yorkshire technique involving a strange looking float called a puller! It lies flat on the water and is connected to the line between float stops 3 feet apart and through eyes top and bottom! It requires delicate ( i generally don't do delicate) shotting using stotz which surprisingly I do not possess together with the little gizmo to attach the little so and sos to the line! I soon will though( Thanks for the advice Kev)!:rolleyes:

I cannot make it 5 as parental duties prevent it! Tight lines!


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2015
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leafy cheshire
Well I managed it; 4 days fishing in a row! Nothing to write home about with 7 skimmers on the feeder and a few roach and carp ( 3 of each) on the float rod! It was a nice day weather wise cool with a gentle breeze! I tried floater fishing with a controller float but had no bites at all on various floating and oozing pellet jobbies, fake bread and small pop ups! It was fun trying though with my forgotten Middy Micromuscle waggler rod which is nice to use for the larger fish!

Next time out it will be roach fishing using a secret Yorkshire technique involving a strange looking float called a puller! It lies flat on the water and is connected to the line between float stops 3 feet apart and through eyes top and bottom! It requires delicate ( i generally don't do delicate) shotting using stotz which surprisingly I do not possess together with the little gizmo to attach the little so and sos to the line! I soon will though( Thanks for the advice Kev)!:rolleyes:

I cannot resist gadgets and gizmos!

I cannot make it 5 as parental duties prevent it! Tight lines!
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Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I thought for one second that the second post was going to start... Well, I managed it five days in a row!

A carp recapture is one thing, but a post recapture?


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
I thought for one second that the second post was going to start... Well, I managed it five days in a row!

A carp recapture is one thing, but a post recapture?


Aug 31, 2014
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Do you know what Mike, that was a quirk of FM, but I’ll take it anyway.

john step

Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
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This doubling up of posts has just happened to me. I clicked quick reply and it may be the quick reply can only accommodate a limited amount of words.
The entry I made then came up in a larger full box with the invitation to submit reply.

The assumption would be that the quick reply never was posted but it was!
By complying with the second invitation to submit the post gets duplicated it seems.

peter crabtree

AKA Simon, 1953 - 2022 (RIP)
Oct 8, 2008
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Metroland. SW Herts
With the very welcome drop in temperature and the possibility of a drop of rain I decided on a change from the canal. Got up early and drove down to the town and set up on one of my fave parts of the river Colne.


One of the deepest parts of the river on the stretch at 5', it gently flows from right to left from where it crosses the canal down to a weir.

Dressed in just a polo shirt I began to regret not packing a jacket as the rain started and it turned decidedly chilly. Brolly up.

Using my 15' ultra light I began trotting punch down the middle on a 4bb stick float with an olivette (1.5gr) 2' above the hook with 3 no10 droppers to an 18 B911 hook to 0.8. First bite and a very lively dace around 7" long.


Feeding liquy and hemp the roach soon showed, coming in brief spells then vanishing for a bit when more loosefeed was introduced in the flow. Then I hooked something that pulled back a bit more, a feisty roach bream hybrid of around 12oz.

It seemed to get colder and colder and I began shivering but I was enjoying it so much I kept going. With roach like this I was past caring.


When I ran out of dry bread I tied on a size 20B911 and switched to caster which found the better roach but fewer per run through than the punch. I even had one on a tare...

Around 5:30 it stopped raining and 9 hours of fishing felt like enough so I packed up, I prayed it would hold off for the walk back to the car.
It did...


Happy with that, not bad for an urban river...


Jul 12, 2009
Reaction score
Just fot back from a lot of walking and faffing about with some fishing inbetween.
I couldn't concentrate on my fishing after loosing the top off my NGT bucket! there was only a bit of wind today but enough to blow it off the bucket whilst it was sat on a rock in the river 100yds downstream from myself. I heard it tap as it must have blow off, I looked up as it was an unnatural noise but never gave me bucket a thought....I spent yonks looking for that effin lid, walked a mile or more up and downstream.....darn it , I hate loosing stuff !
At the finnish of my shitty session I had managed to catch two nice chub of about 4lb, a umber of small and micro chub, minnows and some gudgeon.
I' a little miffed at the barbel fishing as it does seem to have gone down hill quite drastically in the last three years. Speaking to another angler today he blamed otters but I know the otters have always been on the river so imo it deffo can't be down to them.
What about me effin lid FFS!

Another Dave

Well-known member
Aug 31, 2017
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Update: My luck seems to have changed for the better. Amazing customer service from The Tackle Box, who have offered to replace my broken rod section for just the price of the postage.

sam vimes

Well-known member
Jan 7, 2011
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North Yorkshire.
Well, I just typed a dirty great long report and managed to lose it all due to an overly fancy mouse with too many buttons.
Had a good evening after a false start. Had to wade through the usual horde of minnows, but ended up with fifty plus chub and dace, with nothing bigger than two pounds. The billy bonus fish were a random grayling and a whopping great dace. I really should have weighed and photographed it, but dace, even big ones, never seem that important when you are in the middle of a river and catching well.

Yet again, I failed miserably to break a Drennan Acolyte.
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The Runner

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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Isle of Skye
Decided to have a non-lure day so dug myself some lugworm and after a lot of scratting around in the weed and rocks managed to get three decent peelers to go with them. (Last weeks two mackerel ended up getting eaten by me rather than saved for the fish...)

Tried Loch Slapin just south of Torrin, not much in the way of tide but lots of loose weed close in made things a bit more difficult than would have liked. Quite snaggy as well, back down South next week so now need to clear Harefield Tackle out of 2oz leads when there. Plague of small coalfish about 6 inches long unfortunately which rapidly got through the lug supply. Change to peeler crab on a 1/0 kept an edible sized bit of bait in the water long enough to snare a better coalie about 1-8 but it was on its own. Information received previously was that should be some dogfish around as well but no sign.
Worth another visit though, as even by Skye standards its an exceptionally beautiful spot with a view across the loch to Blaven and the Elgol peninsula, and with the Red Cuillins at the head of the loch to your right.
Not much exciting on the wildlife front, lots of oystercatchers along the pebble beach at Camas Malag plus stonechats on the hill behind me.
Might give Loch Portree another go tomorrow near home.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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Old Arley home of the Crows
Yesterday started bad and got worse as the day went on, firstly my alarm didn't go off why I have no idea, because of the late start I got caught up in work traffic, my intended swim was occupied when I got there so I fished one that I had never fished before 30 mins of being quiet and carful not to bang about was wasted when an angler? decided that next to me would be a good place to fish and proceeded to dump all his tackle onto the boards with a bang then out came the mallet hammering a bankstick in, all this while I had baited 10ft from the bank in front of an overhanging tree, Ah well such are club waters at times.

I don't know if it was because of the colder weather but the fish were not as visable yesterday not as much fizzing or rolling, because of the bank disturbance I fished further out maybe 25yards missed several sail away bites on meat dropped a Tench trying the close in area brought nothing and I ended up with just 2 Tench and a tiny Perch, Oh and it persisted it down for much of the morning, I hate fishing from beneath a brolly it so restrictive, still next session will be better us anglers are an optimistic lot :)


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
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Re: How did you get on

In Bangladesh,if any depression in the ground is filled by the rains for three weeks or so it gets seeded with fish fry as if by magic. There will be no connection to another water but the fish will appear.

The usual culprits are the various members of the genus Puntius, most commonly Puntius sophore or the Spotfin Swamp Barb. It is much prized as a food fish though it rarely grows beyond 5-6 cm. and I have to admit that I too am quite partial to it. Cleaned, spiced and fried to a biscuit, it can be popped into one's mouth, chewed and eaten bones and all and makes a fine accompaniment to a single malt.

The home pool (50x40yd hole), like any other pool of water, has become well seeded by any manner of small wild fish including our friend Puntius.

Tiring of catching and releasing the various major Indian Carps (as the larger Indian cyprinids are called), hard fighters and shy biters though they are, Otith Molla and I turned our thoughts to the plentiful "Punti" or Spotfin Swamp Barb. That I had just been gifted with a bottle of Aberfeldy single malt, some 18 years of age, was entirely incidental.

Two 5 weight fly rods, with two mono filled fly reels, two little 2no.4 Drennan crystal wagglers above a micro swivel, a .15 mm hook length of 18 inches, a Drennan super specialist size 16 hook, was the set up. A single no.1 shot two inches above the hook cocked the float. Bait was a bb sized blob of bread paste spiked with ants eggs.

One does not need to fish either far or deep. A foot and a half was all that was needed for depth.

It was a bite a chuck for the Punti is a bold biter. A gentle strike when the float sails away after a couple of bobs does the job. But you will still miss a few.

Punti or Spotfin Swamp Barb (Puntius sophore)

It was not long before another self seeded interloper put in an appearance.

Bronze Featherback (Notopterus notopterus).

The Bronze Featherback is not a large fish but is quite the predator. It builds a nest to breed and will give you a painful nip if you wade near the nest! The Punti are school fish and will crowd around a bait, fry and adults all together. No doubt this had attracted the little hooligan.

Otith's rod suddenly took on a mighty curve


only for him to be smashed in the marginal weed as one of the larger fish made its presence felt.

An upgrade was required, so we replaced the hook length with some 0.16 braid and a size 12 hook. Since the original mono on the fly reels was 12 lb test we thought we were good to go.

The final rig

So it proved.


While fish up to 8lbs kept getting in the way, an hour and a half saw us with a bag of well over fifty Punti in a well aerated bucket. The fly rods, with their endless curves, and a lightly set drag on the reels, slowly but surely brought the larger fish to bay.

Otith immediately separated forty or so Punti into a placcy bag and left me with about a dozen. He declared that was a fine fifty-fifty division, having obviously failed in maths. He took his home, as is his privilege, I released mine, single malt notwithstanding.

All the best

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