A.T. today


BAZ (Angel of the North)

It has got to be said that I am never wrong in anything I say.

And wether I/we like it or not, the postings between Bob and Tony are very popular. We can learn a lot from both these modern day duelists.

Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
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Bully, mine is just like that as well.

Apologies don't apply to women, cos they wont admit their wrong!

Tony Rocca

NO, no, no, Peter,

Nigel said,

"you have accused Bob of lying in a national publication".

I asked Bob a question,

"So Bob, you think its ok to mislead the angling public through the national press"

Bob never wrote anything in the paper at all, everyone knows that, so how could I have done what Nigel said. Doh! Peter.

So you "go away", or simlar, as you put it.

Very sorry for the spelling, I miss the odd letter and am in fact diswhatsit so dont actually do too bad, you wouldnt have even been able to read my words 30 years ago, and I am actually quite proud of what I have taught myself when the establishment could not. To take the piss out of someone who finds it difficult to spell shows what an arse you must be.

BAZ (Angel of the North)

If I had the words and wit of Bob and Tony, I would really stir the s#!t up.
Keep it comeing lads, I'm learning all the time.
And a pair of top anglers to boot.

DB, who said I would never admit when I am wrong? I never said that.

Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
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If I'm not mistaken, Tony said sorry to Bob on the previous page.
Well done Tony.

How about Bob and Tony doing a couple of fishing articles for us? Rigs, tackle, tips etc.
Or a nice story about fishing, fondest memories of a catch or something along those lines.

Are you admitting to having a feminine side Baz?

Peter Jacobs

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
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In God's County: Wiltshire

If indeed you have suffered from dyslexia, and IF I had know this in advance, then I would have indeed been an arse to take the piss out of you.
As I had no prior knowledge of your condition, then I can hardly be blamed, can I?

In any event, and tersely stated, I have absolutely no need to 'take the piss out of you' Tony as you appear to do a sufficiently good job without aid or assistance from me.

So, now it seems you are hiding behind, what in retrospect appears to have been an entirely rhetorical question, is that right?

Tony Rocca

You CAN "hardly be blamed" for you shouldnt take the piss out of anyone who cant spell, its not their fault.

And, I dont hide behind anything but am glad you now, obviously, see the error in Nigels post.

Graham, 151. Now I know its mild and we have had a bit of warm rain but whoda thought such a feeding frenzie would ensue. Its a shame Fred Bonnys away, would have topped 200 by now Im sure:) Just as daft as barbel really, dont want to get caught but cant help feeding.

Duller than ever now, wheres Phil? I was wondering if he wanted a row about global warming or summut, lets see if he can hack it, (see what I did there, a small jokett)

Im in the , yes global warmings a reality, but its not all man made, camp. Just in case anyone was wondering.

The Monk

In any event, and tersely stated, I have absolutely no need to 'take the piss out of you' Tony as you appear to do a sufficiently good job without aid or assistance from me.

I do wish you`d stop writing things like that Peter, I`ve gone and knocked my coffee all over the keyboard again

Steve Spiller

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2005
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Tony now you mention it, we've had a really dry winter, believe it or not.
It aint looking good for the river levels in the summer, I think we will soon be hearing more about it on the news!

Mark Wintle

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
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Azide the Stour

It's global warming caused by all the hot air (from this thread) that is diverting all the rain...

Did you get a face-saving dace?


Lee Fletcher 1

Dear Keith,

Ah the old Star and Garter.

You my friend are starting to show your age and experience.

As a young un, my mates and I used to go to the Star and Garter dances whereby it was customary, nay compulsory, after closing time to lure fallen wenches down to the river next door for a modicum of skinny dipping. Carla, a one time barmaid of the establishment actually ended up marrying one of my pals and they now reside happily on "bread and lard" island.

Said establishment went from Star and Garter to a restaurant I believe then onto its now modern function of being a nursing home like you say. Not been in the building since it was the S&G but some of the rooms inside could tell a few tales I can tell you!!!

Keep well and hope to see you soon.



Nigel Connor(ACA ,SAA)


I have read your first post and I accept that it was Steve who wrote the piece relying on Bob's advice and yes, strictly speaking, Bob therefore did not lie in the AT.

Your allegation therefore is that Bob lied to, and not in, the AT for the purpose of deliberately ensuring anglers fished the HPS water.Such an allegation is no less serious.

Unless you can adduce evidence to the contrary, I accept Bobs explanation that Steve made an honest mistake and therefore Bob was not to blame. Your allegation is therefore groundless and Bob is deserving of an apology.

I have no axe to gring with you and I am merely calling this as I see it on the basis of the information in the thread.

I have no more to add.